[Flash-X-users] Getting Flash-X to work

Peter Manzella peter.manzella at maine.edu
Mon Aug 26 14:20:19 CDT 2024

That file is present in that directory.

On Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 3:16 PM kiyarash Taghiniyarami <
kiyarash.niyarami at gmail.com> wrote:

> from the path, it seems it is due to EOS calling in Thornado. Thornado
> tries to call wlEOSInversionModule.F90 from
> lib/weaklib/souce/Distributions/EOSSource. make sure
> wlEOSInversionModule.F90 is present in that directory.
> On Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 10:23 PM Peter Manzella <peter.manzella at maine.edu>
> wrote:
>> OK, that makes more sense, I'll need to make sure those are in the file,
>> not command line. I went to setup after adding those, and have this error,
>> its related to equation of state, and I haven't been able to find anything
>> in documentation about it.
>> [image: image.png]
>> This is the sort of thing that is frustrating, not being able to find
>> where I need to look to troubleshoot. I tried using grep to find it, I've
>> looked in the documentation link you sent me (I already knew about that,
>> but it wasn't helpful beyond the quick start), but couldn't find it. Is
>> this more of a thornado issue? Cause like I said I'm not super acquainted
>> with large codes that require so many moving pieces.
>> On Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 2:28 PM kiyarash Taghiniyarami <
>> kiyarash.niyarami at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear Peter,
>>> These are not for command line (If you mean "command line" as setup for
>>> configuring a new run).
>>> Before setup you need to make a directory in the Simulation unit
>>> (/source/Simulation/SimulationMain). In that directory you need some codes
>>> such as Simulation_data.F90, Simulation_init.F90, Simulation_initBlock.F90,
>>> and etc.
>>> Say you need the "Half" variable in the Simulation_initBlock.F90. you
>>> can call it by KindModule from Thornado if you write the following in that
>>> fortran code:
>>> Use KindModule, only: Half
>>> so you can use the "Half" anywhere in that Simulation_initBlock.F90. It
>>> has nothing to do with typing in the command line and hitting enter.
>>> If I understand correctly what you mean, there are some setup variables
>>> you can type in the command line (such as nxb,nyb, swE,nE and etc.) which
>>> are different from modules. setup variables can be set up in Config files
>>> in any physics subdirectories.
>>> There is documentation for Flashx as well:
>>> https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://flash-x.github.io/Flash-X-docs/*__;Iw!!G_uCfscf7eWS!bzRbAp1Ip9_9-VxvNEqF5uj-L1zWEJYxkj4x-J4IlwUVUfI-jD9XN-eGW419TFiilEUeXN-lJAJTAqtlZBPXGkxg5IlkrXz9lLc_rExE$ 
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Kiya
>> --
>> Peter Manzella
>> PhD Candidate, Department of Physics and Astronomy
>> 309 Bennett Hall
>> University of Maine
>> peter.manzella at maine.edu
>> “If you run out of ideas follow the road; you'll get there.” – Edgar
>> Allan Poe

Peter Manzella
PhD Candidate, Department of Physics and Astronomy
309 Bennett Hall
University of Maine
peter.manzella at maine.edu

“If you run out of ideas follow the road; you'll get there.” – Edgar Allan
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