[Flash-X-users] Getting Flash-X to work
kiyarash Taghiniyarami
kiyarash.niyarami at gmail.com
Fri Aug 23 14:54:28 CDT 2024
I am not sure what you are running but variables and numbers such as"
sqrttiny, half" are in KindModule in thornado. you can call it by
use KindModule, ONLY : Zero, Half, SqrtTiny
On Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 10:58 PM Peter Manzella <peter.manzella at maine.edu>
> Thank you. I've been trying to work through, step by step, looking at
> errors that come up and trying to find out what I need to look at next to
> fix them. I have Thornado and that stuff figured out. I know my makefile.h
> is good, I worked with the cluster admin to get that all set and in order.
> But of late the errors I am getting...I can not find any documentation or
> can find them given the error message. Like this,
> [image: image.png]
> I can't find anything on how to approach this, I don't have a strong
> background in dealing with large codes like Flash-X, so getting this far
> has been extremely difficult.
> I understand that it is a beast of a simulation, and that it can be
> frustrating, I have been able to get through the majority of what I need to
> get done with little resistance, but this is providing resistance that I
> need to seek more outside help/assistance, hence me reaching out via this
> email chain. I am not expecting this to be extremely easy, but was also
> hoping it wouldn't be something that requires me to extend my degree more
> than it already has. Any help is appreciated! Thank you again in advance!
> On Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 2:30 PM kiyarash Taghiniyarami <
> kiyarash.niyarami at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Peter,
>> Following are the steps I have gone through and hope it will help you:
>> 1-The CCSN is a really diverse issue consisting of
>> Radiation+Hydro+Grivity+EOS+Nuclear+etc physics.
>> To focus on the FlashX you can run just core collapse before the bounce
>> in 1D then extend it to 2D (source/Simulation/SimulationMain/CCSN_WL).
>> working on it and extending it to 2D with weaklib would help you a lot to
>> understand how Flashx works (without neutrinos).
>> 2-For the radiation part try to read the https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.02186__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!e6FUzdJcN-5Zu-XkyAw8xqSehfychttcep4EjRsMDrJE87t28imQU4uVZpoS8ayGbTGYnAaKGjNrniruNb0Ros75klneNBdKXLe6CKOl$
>> and https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_graddiss/7742/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!e6FUzdJcN-5Zu-XkyAw8xqSehfychttcep4EjRsMDrJE87t28imQU4uVZpoS8ayGbTGYnAaKGjNrniruNb0Ros75klneNBdKXA1xOiCj$ and you can watch the
>> series of https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tK1HbAiCPuw__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!e6FUzdJcN-5Zu-XkyAw8xqSehfychttcep4EjRsMDrJE87t28imQU4uVZpoS8ayGbTGYnAaKGjNrniruNb0Ros75klneNBdKXONGBBYy$ for introduction
>> of DG method and then download thornado (
>> https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://github.com/endeve/thornado__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!e6FUzdJcN-5Zu-XkyAw8xqSehfychttcep4EjRsMDrJE87t28imQU4uVZpoS8ayGbTGYnAaKGjNrniruNb0Ros75klneNBdKXLZjZsUx$ ) and get deep into it (I mean check
>> its all subdirectories out to understand how it works) and run the tests
>> (such as sine wave streaming, damping, diffusion)
>> 3- After that you can run the test of sine streaming, doppler shift,
>> relaxation and deleptonization wave test in Flashx
>> 4- Then you can start the run of
>> /source/Simulation/SimulationMain/CCSN_WL_Transport
>> ......
>> There lots of detail in each step you have to take for example digging
>> into weaklib eos and hybrid eos and understanding of nuclear burning (
>> https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0509698__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!e6FUzdJcN-5Zu-XkyAw8xqSehfychttcep4EjRsMDrJE87t28imQU4uVZpoS8ayGbTGYnAaKGjNrniruNb0Ros75klneNBdKXCkVYgPJ$ ).
>> Btw for compilation and setup errors and making true makfile.h you have
>> to get help from someone in your university which knows the cluster(you
>> work with) well.
>> This topic you are working on is full of frustration. Do not get
>> disappointed.
>> P.S. Do not forget to use FlashX github, especially its commits and
>> branches which could take you to earlier development of the code stages
>> with the collaborators comments which are truly helpful.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Kiya
>> On Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 8:17 PM Peter Manzella <peter.manzella at maine.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, I have been having trouble getting Flash-X to run properly on my
>>> university's computer cluster, but no matter what I have tried, errors keep
>>> popping up. I can go into detail, but I don't know where to start, any help
>>> would be appreciated.
>>> ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerStart
>>> This Message Is From an External Sender
>>> This message came from outside your organization.
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>>> Hi,
>>> I have been having trouble getting Flash-X to run properly on my
>>> university's computer cluster, but no matter what I have tried, errors keep
>>> popping up. I can go into detail, but I don't know where to start, any help
>>> would be appreciated.
>>> I have tried to troubleshoot and debug as much as I can, but I am still
>>> lost, and a bit frustrated that I cannot get Flash-X to work properly. Is
>>> there somewhere else I should be asking for help? My "end goal" is to use
>>> Flash-X for 2d core collapse simulations, but when I originally contacted
>>> this email chain, someone suggested I start with something simpler, which I
>>> have been trying to.
>>> --
>>> Peter Manzella
>>> PhD Candidate, Department of Physics and Astronomy
>>> 309 Bennett Hall
>>> University of Maine
>>> peter.manzella at maine.edu
>>> “If you run out of ideas follow the road; you'll get there.” – Edgar
>>> Allan Poe
>>> --
>>> Flash-X-users mailing list
>>> Flash-X-users at lists.cels.anl.gov
>>> https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://lists.cels.anl.gov/mailman/listinfo/flash-x-users__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!e6FUzdJcN-5Zu-XkyAw8xqSehfychttcep4EjRsMDrJE87t28imQU4uVZpoS8ayGbTGYnAaKGjNrniruNb0Ros75klneNBdKXNkzZkir$
> --
> Peter Manzella
> PhD Candidate, Department of Physics and Astronomy
> 309 Bennett Hall
> University of Maine
> peter.manzella at maine.edu
> “If you run out of ideas follow the road; you'll get there.” – Edgar Allan
> Poe
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