[BIOSAL] Travis CI based build/test in GitHub

George K. Thiruvathukal gkt at cs.luc.edu
Sat Nov 8 17:53:17 CST 2014


There is separate value to doing build/test automation using the hosted
Jenkins setup at ANL, so I started a new thread for something that is
directly supported by GitHub and fully cloud hosted. It is a bit of a
coincidence that Seb and I were both thinking about testing today, so I
don't want to mess up the thread he opened up on Jenkins builds. (I was
starting to do it for another project and said, why not try it for
Thorium/Biosal, too?)

On my "granularlity" branch, I have done a similar proof-of-concept to
Seb's incredible work on the Jenkins side. The notable difference is that
this is using the hosted Travis CI solution. So to be similar to Seb's
earlier posting today, here is a bit about the demo I have put together:

build: https://travis-ci.org/gkthiruvathukal/biosal (Build History tab)

console: https://travis-ci.org/gkthiruvathukal/biosal (Console tab)

tests: https://travis-ci.org/gkthiruvathukal/biosal (Console tab)

doc: https://github.com/gkthiruvathukal/biosal/tree/granularity

One this last one (doc), note that you can see whether the build succeeded
and the tests passed. I integrated this with the README.md page (just
scroll down).

It's basically all present in one place but incredibly easy to understand
the results. I especially like the colorized console output, which I know
is one of Seb's favorite features as he always reminds me to use a proper
editor and enable colors! :-)

I will be writing up some notes about the overall approach, but you can
look at .travis.yml (top level), which is what triggers the build/test
scenario above. I don't think this is in competition with your Jenkins
work, because Travis doesn't have as much biodiversity when it comes to the
node types supported. At some point, however, we might want to see whether
we can add some nodes to the setup being used by Travis, which apparently
relies on contributed build boxes.


George K. Thiruvathukal, PhD
*Professor of Computer Science*, Loyola University Chicago
*Director*, Center for Textual Studies and Digital Humanities
*Guest Faculty*, Argonne National Laboratory, Math and Computer Science
Editor in Chief, Computing in Science and Engineering
<http://www.computer.org/portal/web/computingnow/cise> (IEEE CS/AIP)
(w) gkt.tv (v) 773.829.4872
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