[Flash-X-users] How to find the equivalence between setup script variables and the scratch code for any test problem

kiyarash Taghiniyarami kiyarash.niyarami at gmail.com
Wed May 1 12:12:27 CDT 2024

Dear users,
Imagine I run the Relaxation test by the following setup script:
./setup Relaxation -auto -2d +cartesian -nxb=10 -nyb=10 +thornado nE=16
swE=1 nSpecies=6 nNodes=2 nMoments=4 momentClosure=MINERBO
thornadoOrder=ORDER_V +weaklib -parfile=flash.par
In the directory of ../source/Simulation/SimulationMain/Relaxation of
SimulationinitBlock.F90 there are some parts of the code written in the
capital letters for instance:
THORNADO_SWE,, and etc.

it is clear that some of the above parameters are directly connected to the
setup script to get the values, but how can I find the equivalence? Is
there any part of the Flashx code tree which helps me to understand where
these parameters are related to the setup script?
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