[Flash-X-users] Getting Flash-X to work

kiyarash Taghiniyarami kiyarash.niyarami at gmail.com
Mon Aug 26 13:28:07 CDT 2024

Dear Peter,
These are not for command line (If you mean "command line" as setup for
configuring a new run).
Before setup you need to make a directory in the Simulation unit
(/source/Simulation/SimulationMain). In that directory you need some codes
such as Simulation_data.F90, Simulation_init.F90, Simulation_initBlock.F90,
and etc.
Say you need the "Half" variable in the Simulation_initBlock.F90. you can
call it by KindModule from Thornado if you write the following in that
fortran code:
Use KindModule, only: Half
so you can use the "Half" anywhere in that Simulation_initBlock.F90. It has
nothing to do with typing in the command line and hitting enter.
If I understand correctly what you mean, there are some setup variables you
can type in the command line (such as nxb,nyb, swE,nE and etc.) which are
different from modules. setup variables can be set up in Config files in
any physics subdirectories.

There is documentation for Flashx as well:

Kind regards,
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