[Flash-X-users] Quickstart Sedov Problem HDF5

Ryan Farber rjfarber at umich.edu
Sat Mar 18 04:44:05 CDT 2023

Hi Flash-X users,

(FIXED: as usual, typing this up helped me think of what else I could try.
Still will send this for my future reference.)

I'm having some difficulty getting the Sedov test problem to compile with
hdf5. It does successfully compile when my setup command includes +noio.

I was initially using a parallel version of HDF5 but noted in the user
guide I should instead be using a serial version, unfortunately I get the
same compilation error though. I've tried with hdf5 versions 1.8.21,
1.10.7, and 1.12.1.

I checked, and the path for $HDF5_HOME, which I use for CFLAGS_HDF5 in my
sites Makefile.h is indeed getting updated when I switch HDF5 versions
(typical hpc module system).

FIXED: My CFLAGS_HDF5 definition in Makefile.h included $(HDF5COMPAT) which
contained this long list:

HDFCOMPAT    = -DH5Acreate_vers=1 -DH5Aiterate_vers=1 -DH5Dcreate_vers=1
-DH5Dopen_vers=1 -DH5Eclear_vers=1 -DH5Eprint_vers=1 -DH5Epush_vers=1
-DH5Eset_auto_vers=1 -DH5Eget_auto_vers=1 -DH5Ewalk_vers=1 -DH5Gcreate_vers=
1 -DH5Gopen_vers=1 -DH5Pget_filter_vers=1 -DH5Pget_filter_by_id_vers=1
-DH5Pinsert_vers=1 -DH5Pregister_vers=1 -DH5Rget_obj_typevers=1
-DH5Tarray_create_vers=1 -DH5Tcommit_vers=1 -DH5Tget_array_dims_vers=1

when I removed $(HDF5COMPAT) and hence that long list of HDF5 flags,
compilation succeeded. This is the error message I was getting (probably I
could keep some of the flags and remove just the problematic ones):

io_h5_attribute.c(55): error #140: too many arguments in function call

      dsetID = H5Dopen(hFileID, datasetName,H5P_DEFAULT);


io_h5_attribute.c(67): error #140: too many arguments in function call

        attDataspace, H5P_DEFAULT,H5P_DEFAULT);


io_h5_attribute.c(126): error #140: too many arguments in function call

      dsetID = H5Dopen(hFileID, datasetName,H5P_DEFAULT);


compilation aborted for io_h5_attribute.c (code 2)

make: *** [Makefile:123: io_h5_attribute.o] Error 2

make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

io_h5_read_present_dims.c(26): error #140: too many arguments in function

    dataset = H5Dopen(fileID, "coordinates",H5P_DEFAULT);


compilation aborted for io_h5_read_present_dims.c (code 2)

make: *** [Makefile:123: io_h5_read_present_dims.o] Error 2

io_h5_type_matched_xfer.c(168): error #140: too many arguments in function

    dataset = H5Dopen(hFileID, datasetName, H5P_DEFAULT);


compilation aborted for io_h5_type_matched_xfer.c (code 2)

make: *** [Makefile:123: io_h5_type_matched_xfer.o] Error 2

io_h5_xfer.c(33): warning #167: argument of type "herr_t={int} (**)(void
*)" is incompatible with parameter of type "void **"

    err = H5Eget_auto(H5E_DEFAULT, &old_func, &old_client_data);


io_h5_xfer.c(33): error #140: too many arguments in function call

    err = H5Eget_auto(H5E_DEFAULT, &old_func, &old_client_data);


io_h5_xfer.c(35): error #140: too many arguments in function call

    err = H5Eset_auto(H5P_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL);


io_h5_xfer.c(40): error #140: too many arguments in function call

    dataset = H5Dopen(fileID, datasetName, H5P_DEFAULT);


io_h5_xfer.c(42): error #140: too many arguments in function call

    err = H5Eset_auto(H5E_DEFAULT, old_func, old_client_data);


compilation aborted for io_h5_xfer.c (code 2)

Note that compilation succeeded for hdf5-serial/1.8.21 and
hdf5-serial/1.12.1 and even for hdf5-mpi/1.8.21 (parallel hdf5).

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